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Last Sunset in San Miguel

For a generation of dreamers this last one really must come true.

In a homage to the lost generation of Hemingway’s The Sun Also Rises, Rachel Barnes and her circle of Boomer expats in idyllic San Miguel struggle to make their last dreams come true before it’s too late.

After a wrenching betrayal fiftyish Rachel leaves her husband and career, transforming her life one last time by moving to the expat capital, San Miguel de Allende, Mexico. There, inspired by Sylvia the enigmatic bullfighting aficionado, she opens La Querencia--a bar named for the stage near the end of the fight when the bull breaks away, assuming he’s won, and in that moment lives the best time of his life.

To Rachel’s chagrin, a circle of her Boomer friends have followed her. Wounded by the unmet expectations of purpose and passion they were raised to expect, they form a community of tangled relationships, each one seeking to fulfill their final dream, at last. 

When an unwanted visitor charges into this delicate balance of history and hope, an unstoppable chain reaction of tragedies culminates during the Day of the Dead fiesta, shattering illusions and making the friends question why they thought their lives could really change.


Violating the Prime Directive

A memoir in essays about being childless and other roads not (or not possible to be) taken.


Master Race

Two women in Germany during WWII: One, a German girl recruited into the Lebensborn program to propagate the Master Race, ends up a war bride in the United States. The other, an American Army nurse, becomes part of a team that liberates a POW camp on VE day. Their experiences are told through their daughters who meet by chance and, over a lifelong friendship, share a chilling tale of the impact of war through the female line, down through the generations.